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Profile: jay11284

Location: West Hempstead, NY
Member since: Mar 25, 2014
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Bathroom preference: Men's
Birthday: Jan 11, 1984
Song Ratings: ?
10 - Pearl JamBlack
10 - RadioheadNude
10 - RadioheadLucky
10 - The BeatlesRain
9 - BushComedown
9 - ColdplayTalk
9 - DadaDim
9 - NirvanaPolly
9 - SpoonPink Up
9 - WilcoKamera
8 - alt-JChicago
8 - BaswodSleep
8 - BeckLoser
8 - BeckTurn Away
8 - BeckDear Life
8 - ColdplaySpies
8 - GarbageMilk
8 - GarbageQueer
8 - GitheadDrop
8 - JunipChickens
8 - PhishDirt
8 - SpoonWhisper
8 - SpoonHeld
8 - SpoonWild
8 - Steely DanAja
8 - SyntaxBliss
8 - The CureBurn
8 - U2Bad
8 - YesRoundabout
7 - alt-JTaro
7 - CakeWheels
7 - CakeLong Time
7 - Deadmau54ware
7 - JamesLaid
7 - ThemGloria
7 - WarLow Rider
6 - ElbowCharge
6 - KaleidaThink