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Profile: cambuddyf
Member since: Feb 15, 2009
Bathroom preference: ?
Birthday: Jan 18, 2038
Song Ratings: ?
10 - ColdplayClocks
10 - MobyEverloving
10 - OasisWonderwall
10 - Pearl JamBlack
10 - The BeatlesRain
10 - U2One
10 - U2Walk On
10 - U2Bad (Live)
10 - U2Bad
10 - XTCDear God
10 - YesRoundabout
9 - 54-40Baby Ran
9 - Nick DrakeFly
9 - R.E.M.Belong
9 - SloanTraces
9 - XTCGrass
8 - BeckTurn Away
8 - BlurTender
8 - ColdplaySpies
8 - ColdplayTalk
8 - GenesisAbacab
8 - JamesLaid
8 - MGMTKids
8 - MobySpiders
8 - PhishDirt
8 - StarsChanges
8 - Talk TalkEden
8 - U2Seconds
8 - U2The Fly
8 - WarSummer
8 - WilcoKamera
7 - The CureBurn